Wednesday 26 April 2017

Knowing your app (part 41) The future is near

Hello world amd veryone from outer space if you're reading this. and if you're an alien please come in peace (and "peace" is a good thing aliens, so don't misinterprete this). It's mid week everyone, the weekend is near and so is the brilliant new future of Just Talk - DTJT. We have now set out plans to bring all the features of the app to us a bit faster. Amongst many of the features of the app will be Free hands Just Talk. This will be the ability to listen to messages and reply to them without ever touching your message. Now imagine times this may be useful, perhaps whe we're walking down the street with our headphones on and perhaps when we're driving. Like we all know is terrible and against the law in many countries to text and drive. Many Lives has been lost doing that and we would like to reduce casualty numbers and support the cause sometime in the future #don'ttextanddrive.
What to expect in the next update: Better working cast. users wll be able to see the number of times their Cast was played, Bug fixes in voice filters and other bug fixes.

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