Friday 28 April 2017

Knowing your app (part 42) invite and add some friends

Hello great people of planet earth and all aliens from outer space and on earth who ofcourse come in peace (we've already established what "peace" means so we're all good). I hope you've been having a good week so far. Once again the week is coming to an end. Lots planned I believe. For those the new readers, Just Talk - DTJT is a free messenger for sending Voice messages only. All messages get deleted after 24 hours regardless of weather you've opened them or now. we're new and are still perfecting the app so many more cool things to come. feel free to hurry up and get on the early bird users, be proud to be amongst the first, choose a username that you don't have to change cause someone else has already chosen it (perks of being the first). So please downlad the app for Free on the Appstore and invite youyr friends to join in. It's going to be lit!!!!

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