Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Create and Share (Voice out yout opinions, teach and learn)

For those who are unaware, JUST TALK is social network platform with a focus on voice notes only. There's no texting whatsoever. All you can say whatever you want there as long as it's with your voce. If you don't like how you sound over recordings, you can always use our voice filters to change how you sound. If you sign up on the app now and look on your timeline you'll discover that there are all sorts of posts, blogs, music, jokes, educational posts All audio only. recorded and posted. You too can have a go. Do you have a group of friends that you want to send long messages to quickly? why not have a go on JUST TALK, all the direct messages would be gone after 24 hours. you can select one or multiple contacts to receive your message. I'll leave a tutorial video teaching you how to use the app. 

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