This post is about something I discovered over time while playing Call of duty online (COD). I'm convinced a number of us go through this also.
It's always great to game online with zero distractions, when your body mind are literally in the game, you probably have headphones on as you speak to your fellow games online. Note this could be in any online game whatsoever. Fortnite is also a great example.
I'm sure many gamers will agree to the fact that we do not like to be distracted when we're in this mode. There are some that will not bother to take one look at their phones while they're in the middle of gaming and some that may take occasional look at their phones once in a while to reply to texts or even receive and make phones calls. Or phones basically are distractions and while we continue to use them in anyway or form, we discover that our multitasking abilities is not as powerful as we thought. We discover that we begin to lose. Game death becomes very dominant especially in the case of call of duty. We know pausing a game goes a long way when we have to go on our phones while gaming tho we actually don't even like to pause. However we cannot pause the game while gaming online in most games. After a session we may choose to quickly go on our phones and reply one or two texts before the next session or do a quick phone call. That we may do but we know that's going to be rushed. Most of our valid points will not be made clear and in the case of call of duty we cannot create a new soldier or customise our player before the next match.
We may chose receive or make a phone call during this short break before the next session, but the level of distraction will be immense as we're pushing a few buttons on the game pad, thinking of what to do next, speaking and listening to the other person speak at the same time.
These Scenarios may look a bit too specific and Nagy to some but believe me it's a real thing many people face. Now how about Voice notes? Have you ever tried sending or listening to a voice notes while gaming online? I have and I must say it is the least distracting way to communicate to someone else outside the gaming world while you're gaming online. No why is this? It's faster than texting, you don't have to bother with an immediate response from the recipient. You only have to listen to what they're saying when you want to and you speak when you feel like the time is convenient enough. Now how do I Know this, is better because I have tried it and many others who have expressed the same findings. I do this most times with the Just Talk social media app to share findings and send direct messages. I use it more than I use WhatsApp cause it doesn't announce to everyone when i'm online and there's no chance i'll be reading a text to a voice note I sent earlier on the Just Talk app. with jus talk app while gaming online, there will be no reading, texting and you cannot talk and listen at the same time as you'll do on a phone call. So you're either talking or listening with voice notes compared to a phone call where you have to do both. It reduces the spread of activities you have to do while multitasking and it allows you focus more on your gaming. compared to texting you wouldn't have to be take your face off the screen.
Now this is only one of the many scenarios Just Talk proves to be better than many other social media platform or direct messengers. I keep letting people know that the uses of this app is endless. It may seem silly to many how this is of great importance as its just gaming but this solution can be duplicated in many other scenarios. for example DRIVING. See you guys in the next one where I'll be chatting with you about the future of the app and the application to driving.
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