Wednesday 22 February 2017

Knowing you app (part 9) back to the app screens/pages

As its a tradition to always describe the app at the start of the post, i shall be doing it again here (It gives my new users a better undertsnading about the app). Just Talk - DTJT is a  bespoke app for sending only voice messages and uses voice filters to change how you sound. It is available for free on the app store and would also be available for FREE on the google play store soon. unlike other apps, users can listen to their messages (audio messages) as many times as they please but after 24 hours they will be automatically deleted. This would also be regardless of them being opened or unopened. So if you send someone a message and they do not open it after 24 hours the message would be taken of the server and they would no longer have access to the message. New APP, additional features would be included monthly.
FREE on Itunes:

Last time we read about the app screens/pages we read about the ways to know what a sent/recieved message looked like, what an unopened message looks like within 24 hours, what an unoppened messages looked like after 24 hours and lastly, what an opened message looks like before and after 24 hours. As we all know at this point users can only send voice mesages to people who already use the app, As it is a messanger, it requires you to have contacts on it. you would need to send friend requests or accept friend requests (i'm happy to be your first contact, add me "keshjacobs" is my username on the app). I'm convinced you already have friends on it and you can convince new once to join you in the most innovative app just yet. in future blogs, we would learn how to add new contacts, create new messages and send new messages (although this is already availble in the app's short walkthrough tutotrial). Now, how do you listen to message that has been sent to you? Just like most apps, this app also uses push notifications. when you recieve a new message, you would get a notification saying "new audio file recieved". Click on the notification to open the app or just open the app from the app icon. The usenrmam of the sender should appear at the top of all your message or at the top of your screen with the unpened message smiley (click to find out more about the smileys in the app and what they indicate) and an arrow pointing to the left. The left arrow signifies recieved message while the right arrow signifies sent message. there should also be a short small text that says "tap to download". Tap to and wait while message downloads and when the message says "ready to play" tap again to listen to your message. However if you do not see the message, then swip down on the timeline screen to refresh the page and view the new message. Remember, you can listen to your messages as many times as you please within 24 hours from when the message was sent. Also note that all messages would be deleted automatically after 24 hours from when they were sent even if you have not opened them.

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