Wednesday, 24 October 2018

What's new!!

Hello everyone. We've been silent for a while  but guess what? We're back and updates are going to be rolling again.  Here are the things to expect in the next coming week. All the following will arrive at the same time.

  • You will now be able to reset your password 
  • You will now be able to share Casts on Facebook 
  • You will now be able to sign up and login using Facebook 
  • You will now be able to reply a post 
  • You will now be able to repost a post (cast)
  • You will now be able to like a cast
  • You will now be able to dislike a cast
  • All casts with 70% more dislikes than likes have 24 hours to redeem themselves. If not the post will be automatically deleted
We hope you enjoy these updates  We've got many more to come this season. Enjoy! 

Monday, 10 September 2018

Three minutes to say whatever, What will you say

Imagine if you've got three minutes to share whatever you want about your country, what will you say. I'm from Nigeria and Honestly I think most would need a lot more than three minutes to speak about Nigeria. On the other side of the spectrum I think may people will be silent. Just too overwhelmed to utter a word. perhaps you can try to voice it out on the just talk app. Watch 'on the couch by falz and Laila' on YouTube and let us know what you think. Love it!!!

here's a video of how the just talk app works.

Monday, 20 August 2018

Did you know? (Texting and driving Versus phone calls and Voice notes)

If you read my last post you may be able to see where we're heading with this. A Few days ago I took a 30 minutes walk to a boot sale close to mine and another 30 minutes back and on my way back I witnessed three looking down on their phones texting and driving. One of which was on a major road and the others on a less busy road. A few days ago while I was in a cab, I also witnessed the cab driver go on his phone to look through pictures and text for a short while at traffic stops. The cab driver obviously scared me but for some reason I thought it was wise to keep it cool (basically playing with my life there). I did a quick check on the seat belt and braced myself incase of any impact. Safe to say nothing happened instead all I witnessed was more texting and swearing from him to other drivers on the road as his rage made the other drivers look like they couldn't drive.

While driving our brain makes a number of calculations. Always controlling your moves and keeping you alert of the other drivers and pedestrians on the road. If we were to be doing something else while driving, we'll most certainly have our brains multitasking, giving us less times to evade unplanned disasters. If you were driving focused on a country road, No distractions, whatsoever and a fox or deer does what it knows how to do best by jumping in the road and tries to kill you. There's a much higher chance for your brain to quickly think of many possibilities and offer you the best possible move depending on your capabilities in a split compared to the later. One may be able to argue that this will reduce the damages or even prevent a disaster.  

Now imagine that same scenario but the inclusion of multitasking. For the benefit of this blog and the increase in the way we use our phone everyday, we shall use Texting or making a phone calls the subject of the matter. Some people may be able to multitask perfectly but whether you like It or not doing two things at the same times means you've borrowed concentration from one activity and given it to the other activity. Even the activities with the top priorities lose some concentration benefits (hence why some girlfriends don't like you doing anything else while speaking to themπŸ˜‰). When you're driving and making a phone call or texting your attention is very much divided. personally I'll even say to anyone never ever to text while driving. Your eyes are literally off the road while you're doing that. You never ever know what will happen the split second you take your eyes of the road. This puts your life and the life of others in danger. Now with phones calls its a whole different ball game because you can even connect your phone to your car and speak hands free. This is say is definitely much safer than texting or holding on to the phone with hand or with one shoulder. 

This post however suggest one more communication method that might even be safer than hands free phone calls while driving. In my last post I explained that phone calls require much more attention than voice notes because while you speak, you're also scanning for words that my be altered by the second party. Hence, it requires much attention. however, with voice notes the time you're speaking is different from the time you're listening. This way you have more concentration put on your driving. With The just talk app you can even do more with voice notes. For those who don't know, Just talk is the first and only social network with a focus on Voice notes only. No texting whatsoever just audio. Many times I've explained that the uses of the app are endless and in time we would be able to share each of it's many functions in many scenarios like this one. In future just talk would be able to connect to your car's infotainment system and play out all the messages you want with voice command. You would also be able to reply to your messages and record new ones without touching your phone. Imagine being current on twitter on the go. No more looking down on your phone. Instead of walking down the road and driving with music on you could just be going down your timeline and getting all the current info about the world that's JUST TALK. I hope you've enjoyed this content so far. I'm not a writer, in fact I hate writing, but i'll do my best to keep you guys updated with more info. support my by downloading the Just Talk app for free from the google play store. 

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Did you know? Online gaming and communicating - Voice notes Versus Texting and Phone calls

This post is about something I discovered over time while playing Call of duty online (COD). I'm convinced a number of us go through this also.

It's always great to game online with zero distractions, when your body mind are literally in the game, you probably have headphones on as you speak to your fellow games online. Note this could be in any online game whatsoever. Fortnite is also a great example.

I'm sure many gamers will agree to the fact that we do not like to be distracted when we're in this mode. There are some that will not bother to take one look at their phones while they're in the middle of gaming and some that may take occasional look at their phones once in a while to reply to texts or even receive and make phones calls. Or phones basically are distractions and while we continue to use them in anyway or form, we discover that our multitasking abilities is not as powerful as we thought. We discover that we begin to lose. Game death becomes very dominant especially in the case of call of duty. We know pausing a game goes a long way when we have to go on our phones while gaming tho we actually don't even like to pause. However we cannot pause the game while gaming online in most games. After a session we may choose to quickly go on our phones and reply one or two texts before the next session or do a quick phone call. That we may do but we know that's going to be rushed. Most of our valid points will not be made clear and in the case of call of duty we cannot create a new soldier or customise our player before the next match.

We may chose receive or make a phone call during this short break before the next session, but the level of distraction will be immense as we're pushing a few buttons on the game pad, thinking of what to do next, speaking and listening to the other person speak at the same time.

These Scenarios may look a bit too specific and Nagy to some but believe me it's a real thing many people face. Now how about Voice notes? Have you ever tried sending or listening to a voice notes while gaming online? I have and I must say it is the least distracting way to communicate to someone else outside the gaming world while you're gaming online. No why is this? It's faster than texting, you don't have to bother with an immediate response from the recipient. You only have to listen to what they're saying when you want to and you speak when you feel like the time is convenient enough. Now how do I Know this, is better because I have tried it and many others who have expressed the same findings. I do this most times with the Just Talk social media app to share findings and send direct messages. I use it more than I use WhatsApp cause it doesn't announce to everyone when i'm online and there's no chance i'll be reading a text to a voice note I sent earlier on the Just Talk app. with jus talk app while gaming online, there will be no reading, texting and you cannot talk and listen at the same time as you'll do on a phone call. So you're either talking or listening with voice notes compared to a phone call where you have to do both. It reduces the spread of activities you have to do while multitasking and it allows you focus more on your gaming. compared to texting you  wouldn't have to be take your face off the screen.

Now this is only one of the many scenarios Just Talk proves to be better than many other social media platform or direct messengers. I keep letting people know that the uses of this app is endless. It may seem silly to many how this is of great importance as its just gaming but this solution can be duplicated in many other scenarios. for example DRIVING. See you guys in the next one where I'll be chatting with you about the future of the app and the application to driving.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Create and Share (Voice out yout opinions, teach and learn)

For those who are unaware, JUST TALK is social network platform with a focus on voice notes only. There's no texting whatsoever. All you can say whatever you want there as long as it's with your voce. If you don't like how you sound over recordings, you can always use our voice filters to change how you sound. If you sign up on the app now and look on your timeline you'll discover that there are all sorts of posts, blogs, music, jokes, educational posts All audio only. recorded and posted. You too can have a go. Do you have a group of friends that you want to send long messages to quickly? why not have a go on JUST TALK, all the direct messages would be gone after 24 hours. you can select one or multiple contacts to receive your message. I'll leave a tutorial video teaching you how to use the app. 

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Fact of the day - A shrimps heart

Some of you might already know this fact and some might not. A shrimp's heart is located in it's head based on it's anatomy. A video explaining this is available below and an audio version available on the Just Talk app
Just TALK :

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Fcat Of The Day - Jelly fish

Today I shall be sharing a random fact. Unrelated to Just Talk, but on Just Talk. This shows the Vast number of things you can do with just talk. If you can do it on any platform then you can do it on JUST TALK, As long as it can be worded it can be done. Each day I'll be sharing a new fun fact of the day on all platforms. I'll make it like a question and the answer will be in one or two social media platforms. Today I have posted the answer on our Facebook page, You Tube page (Click Video to watch video) and Just Talk (Click link to download or open the app. Our Random fact of the day is on Jelly fish. How much of a jelly fish is made up of solid matter. Answers are below.



Monday, 23 July 2018

Hello everyone. It's been a long time coming. I'm pleased to announce that we have now begun work on the IOS version of JUST TALK . We have also released a new product to help with the funding of this. They're called the falcon laces. Images of this will be available in pictures below the is post. They're being sold for £7 a pair but as long as you have the JUST TALK app you'll get it discounted for £4.50. They can be purchased online on ebay. Unfortunately we would not be able to supply these laces outside the UK.
As many of you already know the aim of JUST TALK is to create a social media platform that will provide equal satisfaction for both the abled and the less abled. We're slowly getting there and we'll needing all the support you can give us. Please purchase a pair of our laces through ebay. If you Live outside UK and you really want it, please feel free to message me on here or preferably on JUST TALK and I'll be happy to make an arrangement to get them to you. Thanks for reading.

Just Talk username: teamjusttalk

Monday, 4 June 2018

Equal level of satisfaction for eveyone

Currently most social network platforms are only supportive of people who can see. They may not be able to read and write but may still be able to get a high level of satisfaction from using those platforms. Sadly, not all can see. many can't see, they can't read and write in the case where there are a lot of texts involved. I'm some other cases dyslexic people may not be able to view important content because they have difficulties reading texts. Sometimes it may be a bit time consuming. you cannot go through your timeline without spending a couple of minutes in many cases hours doing anything else. Goin through social media these days means you have a lot of spare time because people spend a lot of time on them. In the case of Just Talk now, you might need to spend a couple of minutes looking for the right audio but once you find it, you can carry on with what you were doing. This is because you can listen and do something else at the same time. In future this would even be made better with perfect integration with Siri, amazon alexia and other smart speakers. specific voice commands can be made to find specific or a number of Casts even without touching your phone. You will be able to go through your timeline without going looking at your phone. Direct messages will be even better. Easy direct messaging with your voice. The smart speakers will not have to bother about converting your spoken words to text as it will spend most times recording compared to recording and converting. There will be no need to try and change the spoken words into texts for the receiving end because the receiving end is audio only also. No texts involve. Because of this audio features of Just Talk we feel many people will (regardless of their visual problems or inability to read and write) get equal satisfaction on Just Talk

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Did you know!! ( Spoken words versus Written/texted words)

Did you know that even with the word "please" in a sentence, you could still bore into the nerves of someone and piss them off? Depending on where the word "please" goes in a sentence, you can easily be misunderstood. Compare certain scenarios in your mind with spoken and written words. You will quickly discover written words can easily be misunderstood because there's no tone or audible expression to it. Readers can use any tone they feel like depending on their mood. To retain intimacy while speaking to someone, you may chose to speak to someone in person (face to face conversation), over the phone (phone call) or through video calls. Hence the person must be readily available to speak to you when you wish to speak to them. We all know this is not possible all the time as people have very diverse schedules and live in different time zones and may often need to communicate to each other. Sometimes it's expensive to call if the other person is abroad. there might be too much of the word "hello, hello hello, can you hear me?" with voice calls over the internet. Some of us don't live in countries with fast internet, some of us have friends and family abroad in those countries. With video calls, the person not only needs to be available to speak to you, but must be ready to show their face in front of a camera assuming the internet signal is perfect in the first place. Sometimes it may have to be premeditated when it comes to group calls. What if you want to share your message to a lot of people who are very busy and will only be able to listen or view your message when they're less busy? perhaps a pre-recorded video or a live video would do the trick. But you know you have to be camera ready to record yourself and your users may have to pay attention, Not only listening but watching also. We listeners have to wave bye to multitasking while we're watching that video. We already have social media and direct messaging apps/platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Snapchat that make communication easier  by allowing users share using, texts, pictures and videos. Most of them include voice notes/text-to-speech/speech-to-text as a passive feature of which doesn't work well in many instances as people have different accents and sometimes the phone just doesn't understand you. None of them ever place emphases on voice notes which can solve all the issue discussed earlier and many more that have not been highlighted. The Just Talk social media app does not only address issues and more. We are aware that not everyone knows how to read and write, it also introduces some new features that make audio chatting and sharing a lot fun, it is the first social media app that focuses on voice memos. It attracts users from all parts of the world because of its simplicity. Users can share like they do on other social media platform a long as they remember they would be sharing voice memos only. Not everyone likes how they sound when they record a voice memo, so the app includes Voice filters that allow users change how they sound. Direct messaging is also possible with the conditions that it will be voice memos only. An interesting feature about direct messaging is that all direct messages are automatically deleted after 24hours regardless of whether they've been opened or not. The uses for every individual are endless just like other social media platforms. This is a new platform that everyone should truly get into. It's faster as all you need is your voice.

Saturday, 21 April 2018

A Social Network for Voice Notes (voice memo) only

Over time the means of communication has evolved. Many new means have been created. Some of which includes Video call, face to face conversation, letter writing, Phone call, Text messaging, conference call, picture sharing and Voice notes. Most of the new means of communication have been through online platform for social networking. Facebook has pictures, texts and videos, Instagram mainly focuses on pictures and videos, WeChat basically has everything and more. Then we have twitter which is purely text, with the later inclusion of videos and pictures. All of these platforms also have a direct messenger imbedded in them that allow users to send Texts, pictures, videos, Gifs, voice memos and emojis. WhatsApp's and BBM's main focus is on text direct messaging. If you take a look at all of the trends in most social network, you'll discover that most of them place emphasis on text, videos and pictures. Every other feature is an added on feature. None of them have placed major emphasis on voice messaging even tho quite a number of people enjoy sending voice notes. Although proportion of voice memos compared to text messages in most messaging app are small, we have found a large proportion with WeChat. The western world and other part of the world might be texting but WeChat which is based in china understand the benefits of voice messaging. It's faster, it retains intimacy in conversations and most of all its just easier than texting considering that typing in Chinese is not as straight forward as typing in English. 13% of the messages sent by youths are Voice messages, 16% of messages sent by any typical user are voice messages with the highest proportion coming from senior users at 22% (Statista, 2018)

The importance of voice messages over other forms of communication are many and interesting. With  phone call, whoever you're trying to reach has to be ready and available to not only listen to you but speak back to you. With Text messages, The issues are even greater, not everyone can read and write, it just takes to much time, it's easy to lie over texts, your texts can easily be misread as written words tend to have more than one interpretation, intimacy is barely present. Think about those "LOL(s)" you've written with a straight face, that should help you understand where I'm heading. Video call has similarities with phone calls, but imagine what a weak internet signal would do to that skype call with family. To many, people video calls are not something you do every time. Voice notes can make your day to day means of communication easier, you can synch schedules together and retain intimacy. It's faster and easier. For these reasons Just Talk has been created.

The uses of Just Talk extends further from Just an audio messaging app to a new age social media platform with emphasis on our voices. That is something no one has done before. This is the first time we have a platform that focuses on voice notes only. Its is a social media/networking platform for Voice notes only where all of your posts are limited to voice notes only. You have maximum of 3 minutes to express yourself in a public post or in a direct message. Not everyone likes how they sound so we included voice filters that help users change how they sound. You can monitor the number of times your uploads have been played. All private direct messages are automatically deleted after 24 hours regardless of weather you've opened them or not. A history of all your messages will remain but the messages will be long gone.

We should remember that nothing like this has ever existed before and the uses are immense. Imagine you loved sending voice notes and loved receiving them but it' not the same for your friends, every time you send them a voice note on WhatsApp or whatever media app, you always got a text back. on just talk you'll be 100 percent assured that every message you sent or received will be a voice memo (voice note) because on this app, there is not texting involved. It's 100% voice notes only. You don't Text, you just talk. If you were a motivational speaker, a pastor, a comedian, an actor or anybody, regardless of whether you have fans or followers and you want to share something important or fun. Before your options where limited to videos, pictures and texts if you had to do it on social media.  for videos you have to be well dressed probably, put your videos face on, shoot then upload, for texting you had to type the message which takes time and after you upload it, you'd have to start hoping no one has misinterpreted what you wrote. picture has similar problems with videos and texts but with voice notes it's a different ball game. In many occasions the most interest post of the day comes up right as you wake up in the morning. No need for all the charades with voice notes all you have to do is push and start recording. You don't even have to get out of bed to do that. in the future Just Talk will be integrated with your smart speakers (Siri, google voice, bixbi and so on) so you don't even have to turn on your phone if you don't want to. all you have to do is say a couple of commands and you'll be ready to go. These are only a few of many way Just Talk can change the way we do things.

So why don't you start giving Just Talk a go. Be one of the first star to be popular on this. Just as long as you remember you don't have to text, Just Talk.


Wednesday, 28 March 2018

The lottery ticket by ANTON CHEKHOV (An audiobook experience on JUST TALK)

Like we explained earlier, there are many thing that JUST TALK can be used for. It's uses are endless. From educational to fun. Today we've decided to share on of the new good uses. It's JUST TALK's first audio book experience. We have so much planned for this app and we thought we'd share on in a little scale. Imagine everything audio on just one app. It would be the Facebook of the audio world. However, for now it's just your lovely audio messaging app. Record and share either to everyone or to one person in a private message the JUST TALK style.  here's a lovely story taken from an audio book on JUST TALK. its the lottery ticket by ANTON CHEKHOV

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

here's where to find your direct messages on JUST TALK

As much as we're dedicated  to make sure we bring you the best app we also know it's important that you know how to use it. Yes JUST TALK is easy to use and there's no way anyone would find it difficult to use. We're aware of that but we have to be sure of that don't we. Hence why we've made this and other videos. This video focuses on the direct messaging aspect of the app. shows you where to find our sent and received  messages are. how to identify then and differentiate them. On Just talk all direct messages are automatically deleted regardless of whether you open them or not. The emojis help to indicate if your messages have been or not. we've also made it easier to reply each message. instead of going to the record page and searching for a user who just messaged you, all you have to do is hold the received message and they would automatically selected in the record page where you can easily record your message, use a voice filter if you please and send it. This is an app many have thought about but not really thought of it as something they'll need. we promise, this will get you hooked.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

create a podcast in second with "JUST TALK"

Just Talk is a direct messaging app for audio messages only. with voice filters included in the app so that users can change how they sound. This is a first of it's kind and it's execution is exceptional. Imagine your twitter timeline displayed audio messages only. you can listen and upload yours also. it will be like your own little podcast channel or even a radio station. you can say whatever you want when ever you want on JUST TALK. You can monitor it and view the number of times it's been played. All your dm(s) would also be audio only.. that's Just Talk.  these and some other distinctive features make up the app (JUST TALK).

Monday, 12 March 2018

Walkthrough video (part 1)

More efforts has been made towards our tutorials and many more will come. This tutorial introduces all the screen in the app and gives a brief description of every single one of them.
as I always do for the newcomers, I'll describe JUST TALK . It is an audio only social media app for those who love anything audio. For those who would Love it in future and for those who just don't know yet. It's open to all and everyone will be able to use it in anyway that suits well with them. This social media app JUST TALK allows you to share your voice without showing your face. you can share your voice by broadcasting it to everyone with our CAST feature which you would see in this video or you can share your voice by sending it through direct messages to your contacts on the app. you can also change how you sound with a selection of our voice filters. It's a new concept that makes audio chatting way more fun than people imagined.  All uploaded casts will remain on the server forever but all direct messages are automatically deleted after 24 hours. Discover more with Voice notes today by downloading JUST TALK

Friday, 9 March 2018

JUST TALK Just got better

We've made improvements. We always do and it would carry on forever. For those who don't know, Just Talk is an audio only messaging app. It's like twitter but for audio only. rather than tweeting, you make casts and you can monitor the number of time its been played. If you're not too happy with how you sound you can change how you sound. You can also send direct messages to your contacts just like twitter but it will be audio only. All direct messages will be automatically deleted after 24 hours. your casts remain there forever. It's a new concept and it's being executed perfectly. we're adding its features bits by bits and we're only adding the things you like. its in the alpha stage so we're forever listening to your suggestions. Come join us and be a part of something wonderful and see the future now.

here's what's new

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Just Talk is getting better. Create a podcast in seconds

We Have a sneak preview oh what Just talk would Look like in the next coming week. We have evolved from a direct messaging app to a social media app that allows Direct messages. We did this by making the cast Page the main page. This will be your new landing page when you open the app. We are also improving the entire user interface of the app. It would look much more beautiful and User friendly. Today we shall be showing you a preview of the new homepage, your New DM page and the record page. . I'm convinced you'll like it.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

A "How to Video" for your favourite Voice Messenger

Just Talk Audio Messenger Might be easy to use for some but not all. Although we'll be completely changing the user interface in a week time, we still thought we share a video on how to use the app as it is now anyways. Today's video will be on how to send a message. Sending your first message.

Download App for FREE fro Google Play Store. (Just Talk audio Messenger)

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

We Made some changes

In case all haven't noticed, we've made some changes to the settings page and the signup Page. It will no longer be a pain to sign up. Weave the app a bit more pleasing to the eyes. Further changes would be made to the Home Page and Record page for better user experience.

please don't forget to share the app with your friends and family. Let me know the many ways Just Talk can be used. Happy new year. get downloading and updating now πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡
Download the app for free from the Google Pay store.