Tuesday, 28 February 2017

knowing your app (part 16) how to search and add contacts: add me "keshjacobs"

If you've only just downloaded the app, you may not be able to do much until you add atleast one person on it. As usual i'll always offer my contact details to those who wish to speak to me (keshjacobs). Feel free to add me and i'll be happy to speak to you and answer your questions if you have any. Adding a new contact is pretty simple. On the timelinepage/screen there are three icons situated at the top of the screen. one on the left, on in the middle and the third one on the right (check below post of pictures). To add a new user, we will be needing the one in the middle. This icon is a highlighted picture of the app logo in white and it is called the profile page icon as taping on this icon would take you to yout profile page. The information in your profile page at the moment should include your unique username, your name and a search box. Friend requests will also appear on this page(|you would have the option to accept or reject requests). To search for a new friend you would be needing the searchbox in this page. Tap on the search box and type in the name or username of the person you wish to add. In the case of adding me case, search for "keshjacob" but in the pictures at the bottom of this page I have searched for "karan31". The user's display name would appear as seen in the pictures below also and to send a friend request, tap on the square with s cross in it. Iimmediately a friend request would be sent. As soon as the other contact accepts this friend request, then you're all set to start talking.

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Monday, 27 February 2017

knowing your app (part 15) downloading and listening to your messages

I may have not gone through sending a new message just yet, but it will come soon. For now we will focus on downloading and playing receieved messages. This is because you may add me and I will send you a message immediately. Like I explained in earlier posts, feel free to send me a friend request on the app. My user name is "keshjacobs". downloading a message is very easy. On the timeline page/screen all the = information are clear and easy to understand. names/usernames of app users will appear here as well as indications for opened, unopened or deleted messages (more info in the "timeline page/screen") above. At the moment, receieved message will have an arrow facing the left. To download the message tap on the name/username bar. the message should begin downloading at that point, and a message saying "downloading" should appear immediately, if any other thing appears, please tap on it again. After downloading the message should change to "ready to play" tap on it to play the message. You would be able to play the message as many times as you want under 24 hours and the message underneath the Name/username should say "receieved" and the smiley besisdes the image would change. love and share the experience to the world. The instruction might look long as you read this post, but it is really easy to understand. I can very much assure you that you would be a pro in the first few seconds.

notice the smileys arrows and the texts in the picture below.

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Knowing your app (part 14). Why did you choose that app logo?

How to create a good app logo.

Well to answer that question, i'll first like you to know that THE BIRD IS THE WORD and everybody knows that. Peter Griffin from Family Guy knows that and he's telling everyone here. The logo if you don't already know is a Parrot. A RED parot with a GREEN beak. As we all know a parrot sometimes does a lot of talking. It is sometimes known for imitating as we can also see here. It is one of the few, if not only creature asides man that can repeat human words. Since my app is for voice messages only, it felt like a cool creature to include in my app logo. Now people may ask then why did I chose the colours red and green for the parrot. Traffic lights have three colours however I only need two to pass the message. RED on the traffic light means STOP, and green means "GO" except the rules apply differently in some areas. However, in the arear i'm from and live and in many others i'm aware of, Red in the traffic light means Stop while Green means Go. No how does that relate to my app? My app is for sending and recieving voice messages only and everything about the app evolves arounf that distinct function. No texting feature in the app whatsoever. The part of our body we use to text is our hands but the part of our body we use to talk is our mouth. So with that in mind the decesion was to paint every part of the bird REd and the beak RED which signifies do not communicate or text with the rest of your body but do that with your mouth. Don't text, Just Talk. it is always wise to think deeply before creating an ap logo, try to make it related to the function of your app as much as possible. In my case I was lucky to have my brother do the thinking and designing of the app. He chose the colours and never drew meaning out of it but drew meaning out of the creature (THE BIRD) as he did relate the bird to the app's function. The colours where a product of my mother (speak about a wonderful team). My mother was the one who drew meaning out of the colours. It made so much sense we decided to stick with it and thats why we have that as the app logo today.

Now what is to come: I think I may have discovered the best ways to make perfect and more interesting voice filters. voice filters that will have wonderful bacground sounds to really make your voice sync perfectly and create a more appealing experience.

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Sunday, 26 February 2017

Know your app, (part 13). one month birthday on the app store

On the 26th of jaruary 2017 was when the first version of "Just Talk" was available on the appstore. An app idea that first saw light over a year ago. From inception, till date the idea of the app has changed/improved for the good. so much thought has been put into it.

I thought of a way of introducing something new into the messagin sector of the app world. Couldn't introduce an app that did the same thing every other app did. It would have been too mainstream if I created a text messaging app. The whole world already does that and besides, its not very innovative. I needed to make a mark and create something no one has ever thought of and thats why we have "Just Talk - DTJT today. Yes it might be a hussle to excecute it as I had no skills in coding but, I had to excecute the plan anyways because it sounded like a damn good idea! Pictures where taken with ideas like instagram, snapchat and faceook, Texts where taken with the likes of imessage and whatsapp and it was possible to send voice notes in almost all of the apps, but then i noticed that none was bespoke for voice messages only and besides there are some things that we just can't type or be bothered to type. there are times you want to pass a message accross quickly with a phone call but you just can't because the other user cannot use their phone at the moment. Voice mail does cost a bit sometimes and you don't always love how you sound when you hear the voice mail play back. Sometimes you start typing a chat/text to a friends but then it becomes so long to read. Or perhaps you're dyslexic and can't read texts everytime. The issues go on and on. I decided to create a solution to that. Some people may argue that other apps already send voice notes and I agree but none of them are made for sending voice notes. Voice Notes are more of an addon, whereas Just Talk is made for seding voice notes and to make things better and more interesting, you can change how you sound. Voice filters from sounding like an object to sounding like someone or something you love dearly, to add to that, its fun! I Didn't stop there still. How about making it more fun? I asked myself. Give users many access to their messages but limit their acess against time. So users may be able to listen to their messages as many times as they please but only within 24 hours. After 24 hours all would be deleted. I also found a way to increase the fun level of the app. messages would also delete even if you do not open the messagges. all receivers have 24 hours to open and listen to a message or it would be deleted. It is also easy to spot those who have not opened your messages after 24 hours. In future you would see things similar to story in other apps, but mine shall be called "pods" rather than sharing a story like other apps, you share pods in mine (they will be voice messages only). This feature is to come in the next few weeks.

So now you know alittle bit of history about me and more about the app. I would take this time to say "Happy Sunday" to you all and thank you for reading. Do something nice to celebrate my first month on the app store if you can. #nopressure

Here are some throwback pictures (one year ago). After drawing the screens of the app with a pencil on a peice of paper, I drew it on a PC with paint. I hope you enjoy viewing them.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Knowing your app (part 12) : News. got some interesting pics for you

Hello wonderful blog readers, back at it again. In my last post I indicated that there was going to be a new update coming sooner than expected. Well, i'm back again on it to let you know for sure that this update would surly be ariving sooner than I expected the last time (can't wait can i?). got some pictures about the new update i'll love to share. I would love you to do abit of guess work if you can. feel free to comment if you can. Plus I had a rethink about the link for new readers who do not know what the app is about so I thought it would be nice to put it at the bottom of the post for this one. But first here are some tease pics for the new update.

Feel free to do the guess work. Now for you new new users readers, what is Just Talk - DTJT about? It is a messaging app but this time for voice messages only and it allows users to use voice filters to change how they sound. You can listen to your messages as many times as you want but after 24 hours they would be deleted. This is regardless of whether you've opened them or not. I've you fail to open the messages withing 24 hours a smiley would be there to let you know you've not been very responsive to a friend. :D . don't text, just talk. keep talking people.

Knowing your app (part 11). News: notifications

For those who already know what the app is about, my sincere apologies for flooding you things you already know. For new readers I have had to write the description of Just Talk - DTJT over and over again at the start of every post. Sadly I can't get tired of doing that and it makes new readers happy. however I have found a way to make all of us happy 😊 as every reader matters. A breif discription of the app is located just at the top of the app page, so I can always direct readers there. So they can read both this and that at the same time. Here we go for this one. A breif description of the app can be seen if you click here. There we go, two birds with one stone.

Now to the matter at hand. its been almost two weeks since the last update was realeased (13th of february 2017). yes I did say there would be new updates every month but i've manged to bring two in one month so far. seems like we may be getting another one very soon. perhaps in a couple of hours or days 😊. This early and new update would include a new voice filter, Bug fixes and notifiction fixtures. For many of our daily users, you would notice you haven't been getting notifications for your messages. This is because they are currently getting improved. In the past your notification badge said you received 7 messages (you get one notification on the notification bar but the badge said different) meanwhile, all you got was one or two or more. That currently getting fixed. All shall be as normal and better with new update. At the moment you will not get notifications for your messages (sincere Apologies for that) but, all shall be resumed shortly with an update (version 1.3).

what to expect in extended future updates: profile podcasts (some may call it profile messages, story or just podcasts).

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Thursday, 23 February 2017

Knowing you app (part 10) app video

I have now been able to create a video that also describes the app. Remember, Just Talk is completely FREE it is available on the ios app store only. There have been a few complainsts about the texts in the video so there would be another video coming up soon. It would be easier to read. but for now, I hope you enjoy this video and the lovely background music by Tay iwar: zion wolf (tay edition).

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Knowing you app (part 9) back to the app screens/pages

As its a tradition to always describe the app at the start of the post, i shall be doing it again here (It gives my new users a better undertsnading about the app). Just Talk - DTJT is a  bespoke app for sending only voice messages and uses voice filters to change how you sound. It is available for free on the app store and would also be available for FREE on the google play store soon. unlike other apps, users can listen to their messages (audio messages) as many times as they please but after 24 hours they will be automatically deleted. This would also be regardless of them being opened or unopened. So if you send someone a message and they do not open it after 24 hours the message would be taken of the server and they would no longer have access to the message. New APP, additional features would be included monthly.
FREE on Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/just-talk-dtjt/id1155818503?mt=8

Last time we read about the app screens/pages we read about the ways to know what a sent/recieved message looked like, what an unopened message looks like within 24 hours, what an unoppened messages looked like after 24 hours and lastly, what an opened message looks like before and after 24 hours. As we all know at this point users can only send voice mesages to people who already use the app, As it is a messanger, it requires you to have contacts on it. you would need to send friend requests or accept friend requests (i'm happy to be your first contact, add me "keshjacobs" is my username on the app). I'm convinced you already have friends on it and you can convince new once to join you in the most innovative app just yet. in future blogs, we would learn how to add new contacts, create new messages and send new messages (although this is already availble in the app's short walkthrough tutotrial). Now, how do you listen to message that has been sent to you? Just like most apps, this app also uses push notifications. when you recieve a new message, you would get a notification saying "new audio file recieved". Click on the notification to open the app or just open the app from the app icon. The usenrmam of the sender should appear at the top of all your message or at the top of your screen with the unpened message smiley (click to find out more about the smileys in the app and what they indicate) and an arrow pointing to the left. The left arrow signifies recieved message while the right arrow signifies sent message. there should also be a short small text that says "tap to download". Tap to and wait while message downloads and when the message says "ready to play" tap again to listen to your message. However if you do not see the message, then swip down on the timeline screen to refresh the page and view the new message. Remember, you can listen to your messages as many times as you please within 24 hours from when the message was sent. Also note that all messages would be deleted automatically after 24 hours from when they were sent even if you have not opened them.

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Knowing your app (part 8) Like and share, record and share.

We shall begin once again just how we love to. What is Just Talk? It is a new way of communication, a bespoke app for sending only voice messages and uses voice filters to change how you sound. It is available for FREE on the app store and would also be available for FREE on the google play store soon. unlike other apps, users can listen to their messages (audio messages) as many times as they please but after 24 hours they will be automatically deleted. This would also be regardless of them being opened or unopened. So if you send someone a message and they do not open it after 24 hours the message would be taken of the server and they would no longer have access to the message.

At ther moment the only way to share audio messages on the app is by sending audio messages to contacts who already use the app. We understand that some of you would love the voice filters and would love to share daily activities with friend's an family even if they do not have the app (an example would be to android users who may not be able to download the app at the moment). we have however found you a solution.  In the next coming days there would be an update which would allow user create podcasts (pod talk). Short podcasts that users and none users of the app can view and share on facebook. Please let me know what you think about this new and exiting feature. a message shall now be called a pod.

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Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Knowing you app (part 7)

What is "Just Talk" ?. Just Talk is a messaging app for sending voice messages only with Voice filters to change how you sound. Messages sent or received are deleted after 24 hours regardless of whether they've been opened or not. It's fun and simple, just sign up (short and simple) then add your friends on it and start messaging (no friends yet, how about adding me). 32 new voice filters projected to be added this year. along with many other cool features. Things to Note are, the App is completely FREE, available on IOS only and coming soon to androids. Remember it's voice messaging ONLY so, there's no texting feature in the app. It's a straight up VoiceNote app. Don't text, Just Talk.

Today's post will be a little bit different because I will be posting Just a little about me. This is because I am part of the app. I went from someone who had No knowledge about coding to someone who created an ultimate app. Well one thing you should know is that the idea of the app came before the skill to create the app. the idea created motivation for the skill. The idea to create something no one has ever thought of. Just Talk is owned and developed by Kesh Jacobs LTD and Kesh Jacobs LTD is one of the very few businesses backed up by the University of Liverpool Entrepreneurial Programme. As it is one of the most innovative things in the app store at the moment as it is getting wonderful feedbacks. The thought of how great this idea is, was what drove me into learning how to create the idea. From so many turn downs, I managed to strive on and build this incredible app. And after a year of hard work, the first three versions has been made available for free (two updates plus original version).

Someone had to think of this idea some day, and I am so glad it was me. Humans since day one have been looking for ways to understand each other and one of the most efficient way to do so communication. We have then created so many ways to communicate with each other and this year is my own addition.

The app is bespoke, for those who are not fan of texting or for those just love to try something new (everyone is welcomed), and why the voice filters?. well not everyone likes the way they sound, so why not give them a hand and change how they sound. besides the filters are fun and the future filters will be even more fun. To add more fun, how about you give people limited time to access your message. Users have unlimited access to voice messages under a limited time.

This is a messaging app, so you will need to have friends of family on it. or perhaps make new friends or just add me on it. "keshjacobs". Happy talking.

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Monday, 20 February 2017

Knowing your app (part 6)

Firstly, I will like you to know that Just talk, is a FREE app. it is available for FREE on the apple app store it will also be available on android for free in a couple of months time. One thing to NOTE about Just Talk is this. All messages get deleted after 24 hours regardless of whether you've opened them or not. some users have been complaining that their messages have been deleted by their senders. Neither the senders or receivers of messages can delete the messages. To listen to a message just make sure you open them before 24 hours as they automatically deleted. Also remember you can listen to them as many times as you please under 24 hours from when the message was sent or received. Now to make things a little easier I have included ways to make sure you know when a message has been left unopened with 24 hours and after. Also a way to identify when your messages have been opened.
Just Talk uses specific smileys to make users know when a message has been opened, unopened or deleted. First here's a picture of the timeline page to better understand my explanations in this post.
If you look closely at the picture you would notice that there are smileys by every username(messages). each name represent the sent/received messages and the arrows underneath changes direction in ration to the message being sent or received (further explanation in future posts).
   When you send or receive a message, this smiley appears by the message.
This smiley indicates that a message is yet to be opened. If the recipient fails to open the message within 24 hours it remains like this. It changes when he/she opens the message within 24 hours and when they fail to open the message after 24 hours. Now what does this smiley change to when a received message is opened within 24 hours from when it was sent?

Here's the answer. A message opened by the recipient has the smiley above beside it. so a message that has been opened within 24 hours changes the emoji to the one above. As I explained earlier, all messages get deleted regardless of whether they've been opened or not. So, even if you open a message sent to you, it will still get deleted after 24 hours. You may has as many asses to the message when it was sent but not after 24 hours. The smiley would however remain them same as the one above when the opened message get's deleted. Lastly we shall tackle the last question which I believe are on everyone's mind. What does the first smiley in this post change to when an unopened message gets deleted.
That is what we get when an unopened message remains unopened for after 24 hours. At this point you would be able to tell you received the message, but you would not be able to listen to it. It wll become inaccessible. 
I hope at this point I have improved your understanding about Just Talk. Coming up in the app, Music meets App, podcasts and shout-outs (profile messages). You heard it first. remember, don't text, Just Talk. Happy Monday and happy Talking.

Here's an artiste to look out for. ZION WOLF (music cover by Tay Iwar).

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Sunday, 19 February 2017

Knowing your App (part 5)

For those who do not know what Just Talk is about here's a brief explanation. It is a messaging app for sending and receiving voice messages only, with voice filters to change how you sound. Users can listen to their sent of received messages as many times as they want but after 24 hours the messages will be deleted. Note: if you do no open your received or sent message after 24 hours, it will still be deleted. Smileys are displayed by every message and they indicate when a message has been opened, left unopened or deleted. Straight up voice messaging app. no texting, just voice messages. Don't text, Just Talk.
  Now we shall continue from where we left off in previous post. the moment you click the button "verify" your profile will get created and you would be taken to the "timeline page". This page I believe most of us will visit the most because all your sent and received messages appear here. On this page we will see the username of the people who you sent or received your messages. The smiley by every name signify different things also (shall be explained in the next post). Something to note about them is that they change when a message has been opened or deleted (hence where there are different smileys in the picture below. You will also be able to tell when your message has been sent or deleted from this page. This page is an active page as it contains not only your messages but the navigation icons to other pages. the settings icon on the top left, the profile page icon on the top middle, the record new message icon on the top right and the filter page icon in the bottom of the screen. each page shall be explained in future posts. while using the app you will notice everything has been made to be very simple. It will be self explanatory when you start using it. This timeline page will be the landing page for the app anytime you open the app (as long s you do not sign out or delete  the app). Most times is you leave the app you would be taken to where you left off, however if the app refreshes or if you close the app from recent tabs, you would be taken to the landing page which is the timeline page.

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Friday, 17 February 2017

Knowing your app (part 4)

For the benefits of those who do not know what just talk is about, Just Talk is a messaging app for sending and recieving voice messages only. It has exciting voice filters to change how you sound. Some of us out there have been waiting for an app like this. some of use who just are not a fan of texting then this is the app for you. If you love textig already then this something new and innovative to try. first of its kind and super FUN. So far i've managed to stretch things that would happen in less than a minute into a series of posts. It may be long for some but, on the bright side you get to know more and understand more about how this and other apps work. At the end of the series you would have some undertsnaind about how apps work and how to build them and were to look. Now back to my app. At this point youve already gone through the walk through tutorial. everyone is familiar with that, just swipe left throught the pictures and click on "get started" at the end. Once again you're just opening the app for the first time so after looking through the walkthorugh tutorial, you will be shown the sign up page of the app which  also shows the "log in" icon. if you have already created an account (probably on another device), all you have do is tap on "log in" and impute your username and password then hit "Verify".  this would log you in the app. you would not have to do that again only if you delete the app and re-install it or hit the "log out" icon from the settings page (more information about those pages would be available in future posts). On the other hand signing up if you do not already have an account is pretty sinple and straight foward. At the moment, your email adress, date of birth and sex are optional (may change in future especially when you may be required to verify your account). So I highly recommend you just fill in all the details. they are straight foward and do not ask for much. create a unique username and password and hit the verify button. doing that would instantly create your account and log you in. As we do not have millions of users at the moment, many popular names are still available if you bare those names, so hurry up before its taken. That way you can acually use your name as your unique username. imagine being the first and only "jack" every other jack would need numbers of underscore of whatever after their name.
Verify is just below login and sign up. By cicking "verify" you should know that you are also agreeing to accepts Just Talk's term and conditions.

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Knowing your app (Part 3)

I feel its always nice to introduce what JUST TALK is about because of our new readers and those who do not know what this page or the app is about. Just Talk - DTJT (don't text, Just talk) I a new messaging app for sending and receiving voice messages only with voice filters to change how you sound. Users can listen to both their received and sent messages as many times as they please but after 24 hours all the messages would be deleted automatically. All the messages would be deleted after 24 hors even if a user has not opened the message. There are smileys by every message that indicates unopened messages, opened message and deleted messages that have not been opened after 24 hours (spot those who ignored you and failed too open your message easily).
    Once again we are assuming that you're only using your app for the first time. You must have already clicked on the icon to use the app for the very first time and have already seen the intro page (information about this page can be found in the last post). the intro page is just a picture containing app logo that is displayed for less than a second if you're opening the app for the first time or you've completely closed the app and you're re-opening it. That type of page can be found in all apps. As you're just using the app for the first time, you would need to learn how it works that's why the next thing you see if a walkthrough tutorial on how to use the app. most apps have this. It is short and comprises of screenshots of three pages of the app with writings and arrows over them.

To make sure we do now waste any of your precious time and improve your app experience we have been able to pack the walkthrough tutorial into three screens. They contain all the information you need to get used to find your way into the app, get used to the app and discover more. happy talking guys. remember, Don't text, Just talk.

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Thursday, 16 February 2017

Knowing your app (part 2)

Note: A walkthrough tutorial is available in the app. At this stage, we will assume you have just heard about the Fun new app Just Talk and you have decided to download it. Just Talk is a free app available on IOS only (soon to be on android). Just Talk messenger can easily be identified on the app store with an icon of a red bird with a green beak (this icon/logo will be explained at later posts). after we've download the app, the next stage would be to open the app first the first time. opening the app for the first time will introduce the "intro" page first. this is basically the app logo covering the entire screen. it will be displayed for less than 1/2 of a second (also depends on phone speed).
This page also appears when you close the app from recently used app. It signifies that you've closed the app and you're re-opening it. on a computer you can minimise a page and you can close the page. minimising a page on your computer is similar to leaving an app on your phone to another app while closing a page on your computer is similar to leaving your app and closing it from recent tabs. in many cases on your phone, minimising an app and re-opering it may not bring you to where you where you left of, it may refresh the app again. This sometimes depends on how powerful your phone is or how many apps you have oppened at the same time. If the app is minimised and not closed completely and you decided to use the app again from your recently opened app, you are most-likely going to be retroduced back to the app with the page you left off. if not you would be introduced to the loading/intro-page of the app. in our case it's the picture above. its on of the easiest way to reload the app also. however because Just Talk is small app in size (10 mb) and uses only a little of the phone's memory, the app can stay in the background and in the same page you left it for a very long time without reducing your phone's performance. we would like you to look out for this app logo as it is ours and should remind you of your possibly new favourite app Just Talk. Remeber, Just Talk is completely free to download, it is a messenger for voice messages only and it is the first of its kind. feel free to follow our social media pages Facebook, twitter and Instagram. click on the Links highlighted in blue below to find out more and keep updated.

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knowing your app (part 1)

Many new thing are coming soon, many which would be made available monthly. exciting enough to increase your love for the app daily. In the main time here's the begining of a series of tutorial about using Just Talk. Asides the intro, log in and the sign up page the app has a total of 5 pages in total. one of which is the main page of the app. These 4 pages would most likely be visited more often than the others. They are called the "timeline" page, the "record" page, the "profile" page, the "setting" page and the "filter" page (pictures below write-up). these pages have been made very simple and easy to use. there would be indept tutorial about how each pages of the app works in future posts.

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Record Page

Timeline page

Settings Page.

Filter Page

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Terms and conditions of service

Last updated: 16-04-2017
Triple N Tech LTD (“justTalk app, Just talk,” “our,” “we,” or “us”) provides audio messaging, voice changing and other services to users around the world. Please read our Terms of Service so you understand what’s up with your use of Just Talk - DTJT. You agree to our Terms of Service (“Terms”) by installing, accessing, or using our apps, services, features, software, or website (together, “Services”).
NO ACCESS TO EMERGENCY SERVICES: There are important differences between Just Talk and your mobile and fixed-line telephone. Our Services do not provide access to emergency services or emergency services providers, including the police, fire departments, or hospitals, or otherwise connect to public safety answering points. You should ensure you can contact your relevant emergency services providers through a mobile, fixed-line telephone, or other service.

About our services

Registration. You must register for our Services using accurate data, provide your Name, surname, age and a unique user ID.
Devices and Software. You must provide certain devices, software, and data connections to use our Services, which we otherwise do not supply. For as long as you use our Services, you consent to downloading and installing updates to our Services, including automatically.
Fees and Taxes. You are responsible for all carrier data plan and other fees and taxes associated with your use of our Services.

Privacy policy and user data

Just Talk cares about your privacy. Just Talk’s Privacy Policy describes our information (including message) practices, including the types of information we receive and collect from you and how we use and share this information. You agree to our data practices, including the collection, use, processing, and sharing of your information as described in our Privacy Policy, as well as the transfer and processing of your information to the United Kingdom and other countries globally where we have or use facilities, service providers, or partners, regardless of where you use our Services. You acknowledge that the laws, regulations, and standards of the country in which your information is stored or processed may be different from those of your own country.

Acceptable use of our services

Our Terms and Policies. You must use our Services according to our Terms and posted policies. If we disable your account for a violation of our Terms, you will not create another account without our permission.
Legal and Acceptable Use. You must access and use our Services only for legal, authorized, and acceptable purposes. You will not use (or assist others in using) our Services in ways that: (a) violate, misappropriate, or infringe the rights of Just Talk, our users, or others, including privacy, publicity, intellectual property, or other proprietary rights; (b) are illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, intimidating, harassing, hateful, racially, or ethnically offensive, or instigate or encourage conduct that would be illegal, or otherwise inappropriate, including promoting violent crimes; (c) involve publishing falsehoods, misrepresentations, or misleading statements; (d) impersonate someone; (e) involve sending illegal or impermissible communications such as bulk messaging, auto-messaging, auto-dialing, and the like; or (f) involve any non-personal use of our Services unless otherwise authorized by us.
Harm to Just Talk or Our Users. You must not (or assist others to) access, use, copy, adapt, modify, prepare derivative works based upon, distribute, license, sublicense, transfer, display, perform, or otherwise exploit our Services in impermissible or unauthorized manners, or in ways that burden, impair, or harm us, our Services, systems, our users, or others, including that you must not directly or through automated means: (a) reverse engineer, alter, modify, create derivative works from, decompile, or extract code from our Services; (b) send, store, or transmit viruses or other harmful computer code through or onto our Services; (c) gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to our Services or systems; (d) interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of our Services; (e) create accounts for our Services through unauthorized or automated means; (f) collect the information of or about our users in any impermissible or unauthorized manner; (g) sell, resell, rent, or charge for our Services; or (h) distribute or make our Services available over a network where they could be used by multiple devices at the same time.
Keeping Your Account Secure. You are responsible for keeping your device and your Just Talk account safe and secure, and you must notify us promptly of any unauthorized use or security breach of your account or our Services.


Your Rights. Just talk does not claim ownership of the information that you submit for your Just Talk account or through our Services. You must have the necessary rights to such information that you submit for your Just Talk account or through our Services and the right to grant the rights and licenses in our Terms.
Just Talk’s Rights. We own all domains, trace secrets associated with our Services. You may not use our domains, unless you have our express permission.
Your License to Kesh Jacobs LTD. In order to operate and provide our Services, you grant Just Talk a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works of, display, and perform the information (including the content) that you upload, submit, store, send, or receive on or through our Services. The rights you grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating and providing our Services (such as to allow us to display your profile name, transmit your messages, store your delivered messages on our servers.
Kesh Jacobs LTD’s License to You. We grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and non-transferable license to use our Services, subject to and in accordance with our Terms. This license is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use our Services, in the manner permitted by our Terms. No licenses or rights are granted to you by implication or otherwise, except for the licenses and rights expressly granted to you.

Reporting third-party copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property infringement

To report claims of third-party copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property infringement, please message us at info@dtjt.co.uk. We may terminate your Just Talk  account if you repeatedly infringe the intellectual property rights of others.



Limitation of liability



You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Just Talk Parties from and against all liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses of any kind (including reasonable legal fees and costs) relating to, arising out of, or in any way in connection with any of the following: (a) your access to or use of our Services, including information provided in connection therewith; (b) your breach or alleged breach of our Terms; or (c) any misrepresentation made by you. You will cooperate as fully as required by us in the defense or settlement of any Claim.

Dispute resolution

Governing Law. The laws of the United KIngdom  govern our Terms, as well as any Disputes, whether in court or arbitration, which might arise between Kesh Jacobs LTD and you, without regard to conflict of law provisions.

Availability and termination of our services

Availability of Our Services. Our Services may be interrupted, including for maintenance, repairs, upgrades, or network or equipment failures. We may discontinue some or all of our Services, including certain features and the support for certain devices and platforms, at any time. Events beyond our control may affect our Services, such as events in nature and other force majeure events.
Termination. We may modify, suspend, or terminate your access to or use of our Services anytime for any reason, such as if you violate the letter or spirit of our Terms or create harm, risk, or possible legal exposure for us, our users, or others. The following provisions will survive any termination of your relationship with Just Talk: “Licenses,” “Disclaimers,” “Limitation of Liability,” “Indemnification,” “Dispute Resolution,” “Availability and Termination of our Services,” “Other” and “Governing Law”.


  • Unless a mutually executed agreement between you and us states otherwise, our Terms make up the entire agreement between you and us regarding Just Talk and our Services, and supersede any prior agreements.
  • We may ask you to agree to additional terms for certain of our Services in the future, which will govern to the extent there is a conflict between our Terms and such additional terms.
  • Our Services are not intended for distribution to or use in any country where such distribution or use would violate local law or would subject us to any regulations in another country. We reserve the right to limit our Services in any country.
  • You will comply with all applicable U.K. and non-U.K. export control and trade sanctions laws (“Export Laws”). You will not, directly or indirectly, export, re-export, provide, or otherwise transfer our Services: (a) to any individual, entity, or country prohibited by Export Laws; (b) to anyone on U.K. or non-U.K. government restricted parties lists; or (c) for any purpose prohibited by Export Laws, including nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, or missile technology applications without the required government authorizations. You will not use or download our Services if you are located in a restricted country, if you are currently listed on any U.K. or non-U.K. restricted parties list, or for any purpose prohibited by Export Laws, and you will not disguise your location through IP proxying or other methods.
  • Our Terms are written in English (U.S.). Any translated version is provided solely for your convenience. To the extent any translated version of our Terms conflicts with the English version, the English version controls.
  • Any amendment to or waiver of our Terms requires our express consent.
  • We may amend or update these Terms. We will provide you notice of amendments to our Terms, as appropriate, and update the “Last Modified” date at the top of our Terms. Your continued use of our Services confirms your acceptance of our Terms, as amended. If you do not agree to our Terms, as amended, you must stop using our Services. Please review our Terms from time to time.
  • All of our rights and obligations under our Terms are freely assignable by us to any of our affiliates or in connection with a merger, acquisition, restructuring, or sale of assets, or by operation of law or otherwise, and we may transfer your information to any of our affiliates, successor entities, or new owner.
  • You will not transfer any of your rights or obligations under our Terms to anyone else without our prior written consent.
  • Nothing in our Terms will prevent us from complying with the law.
  • Except as contemplated herein, our Terms do not give any third-party beneficiary rights.
  • If we fail to enforce any of our Terms, it will not be considered a waiver.
  • If any provision of these Terms is deemed unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from our Terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions, “— “Severability” section below.
  • We reserve all rights not expressly granted by us to you. In certain jurisdictions, you may have legal rights as a consumer, and our Terms are not intended to limit such consumer legal rights that may not be waived by contract.
  • We always appreciate your feedback or other suggestions about Just Talk and our Services, but you understand that we may use your feedback or suggestions without any obligation to compensate you for them (just as you have no obligation to offer them).

Just Talk Privacy Policy

Just Talk LTD provides §audio messaging, voice changing, and other services to users around the world. Our Privacy Policy helps explain our information (including message) practices.  We do not listen to your sent or received messages.
When we say “Just talk,” “our,” “we,” or “us, Kesh Jacobs LTD,” “Just Talk -DTJT” we’re talking about Kesh Jacobs LTD as we provide the service. This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) applies to all of our apps, services, features, software, and website (together, “Services”) unless specified otherwise.

Deleting your JustTalk Profile

When you delete your JustTalk profile, your content, likes and followers will be permanently removed. 
For security reasons, we can't delete a JustTalk profile for you. You’ll need to log into your profile to request deletion.

Deleting your account is easy simply head to your settings page. under security select "delete account" confirm prompt and your account will be deleted

Information We Collect

Just Talk receives or collects information when we operate and provide our Services, including when you install, access, or use our Services.

Information You Provide

  • Your Account Information. You provide your Name, unique Username, age and email address to create a Just Talk  account.
  • Your Messages: We do not listen to your messages. Messages are not accessible after 24 hours.
  • Facebook Login (if you choose to login with facebook)

Automatically Collected Information

  • Usage and Log Information. We collect service-related, diagnostic, and performance information. This includes information about your activity (such as how you use our Services, how you interact with others using our Services, and the like), log files, and diagnostic, crash, website, and performance logs and reports.
  • Transactional Information. If you pay for our Services, we may receive information and confirmations, such as payment receipts, including from app stores or other third parties processing your payment.
  • Device and Connection Information. We collect device-specific information when you install, access, or use our Services. This includes information such as hardware model, operating system information, browser information, IP address, mobile network information including phone number, and device identifiers. We collect device location information if you use our location features, such as when you choose to share your location with your contacts, view locations nearby or those others have shared with you, and the like, and for diagnostics and troubleshooting purposes such as if you are having trouble with our app’s location features.

Third-Party Information

  • Information Others Provide About You. We receive information other people provide us, which may include information about you. For example, when other users you know use our Services, they may provide your name/username from their mobile address book (just as you may provide theirs), or they may send you a message. However to send you a message they must send you a friend request which you may reject or accept. Rejecting it will prevent them from sending you a message.
  • Third-Party Providers. We work with third-party providers to help us optimize adverts, operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services. For example, we work with companies to distribute our apps, provide our infrastructure, delivery, and other systems, help us understand how people use our Services, and market our Services. These providers may provide us information about you in certain circumstances; for example, app stores may provide us reports.

How We Use Information

We use all the information we have to help us operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services.
  • Our Services. We operate and provide our Services, including providing customer support, and improving, fixing, and customizing our Services. We understand how people use our Services, and analyze and use the information we have to evaluate and improve our Services, research, develop, and test new services and features, and conduct troubleshooting activities. We also use your information to respond to you when you contact us. We use cookies to operate, provide, improve, understand, and customize our Services.
  • Safety and Security. We verify accounts and activity, and promote safety and security on and off our Services, such as by investigating suspicious activity or violations of our Terms, and to ensure our Services are being used legally.
  • Commercial Messaging. We will allow you and third parties, like businesses, to communicate with each other using Just Talk such as through order, transaction, and appointment information, delivery and shipping notifications, product and service updates, and marketing. For example, you may receive flight status information for upcoming travel, a receipt for something you purchased, or a notification when a delivery will be made. Messages you may receive containing marketing could include an offer for something that might interest you. We do not want you to have a spammy experience; as with all of your messages, you can manage these communications, and we will honor the choices you make.

Information You And We Share

You share your information as you use and communicate through our Services, and we share your information to help us operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services.
  • Account Information. Your profile name, username and email may be available to anyone who uses our Services.
  • Higher chance that users will be able to find you on the app with your email if you login with Facebook.
  • Your Contacts and Others. Users with whom you communicate may store or reshare your information (or messages) with others on and off our Services.
  • Third-Party Providers. We work with third-party providers to help us operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services. When we share information with third-party providers, we require them to use your information in accordance with our instructions and terms or with express permission from you.

Managing Your Information

  • Deleting Your Just Talk Account. You may delete your Just Talk  account at any time by messaging us at info@dtjt.co.uk
Law And Protection
We may collect, use, preserve, and share your information if we have a good-faith belief that it is reasonably necessary to: (a) respond pursuant to applicable law or regulations, to legal process, or to government requests; (b) enforce our Terms and any other applicable terms and policies, including for investigations of potential violations; (c) detect, investigate, prevent, and address fraud and other illegal activity, security, or technical issues; or (d) protect the rights, property, and safety of our users, Just Talk, or others.

Our Global Operations

You agree to our information practices, including the collection, use, processing, and sharing of your information as described in this Privacy Policy, as well as the transfer and processing of your information to the United Kingdom and other countries globally where we have or use facilities, service providers, or partners, regardless of where you use our Services. You acknowledge that the laws, regulations, and standards of the country in which your information is stored or processed may be different from those of your own country.

Updates To Our Policy

We may amend or update our Privacy Policy. We will provide you notice of amendments to this Privacy Policy, as appropriate, and update the “Last Modified” date at the top of this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of our Services confirms your acceptance of our Privacy Policy, as amended. If you do not agree to our Privacy Policy, as amended, you must stop using our Services. Please review our Privacy Policy from time to time.

Child safety: exploitation, nudity and abuse

We (JustTalk app) do not allow content or activity that sexually exploits or endangers children. When we become aware of apparent child exploitation, we report it to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), in compliance with applicable law. We know that sometimes people share nude images of their own children with good intentions. However, we generally remove these images because of the potential for abuse by others and to help avoid the possibility of other people reusing or misappropriating the images.

We work with external experts and to discuss and improve our policies and enforcement around online safety issues, especially with regard to children. 

Although we do not allow pictures or videos to be shared on the timeline (only profile pictures and background profile pictures at the moment). We still do not permit any form of activity that sexually exploits or endangers children.

Please do not hesitate to report any profile or post that has unacceptable content. they will be reviewed, and necessary actions will be taken. 

Do not post (audio posts, pictures text and videos) that entails the following:

Child sexual exploitation

Content, activity or interactions that threaten, depict, praise, support, provide instructions for, make statements of intent, admit participation in or share links of the sexual exploitation of children (including real minors, toddlers or babies, or non-real depictions with a human likeness, such as in art, AI-generated content, fictional characters, dolls etc.). This includes, but is not limited to,

  • Sexual intercourse
    • Explicit sexual intercourse or oral sex, defined as mouth or genitals entering or in contact with another person's genitals or anus, when at least one person's genitals or anus is visible.
    • Implied sexual intercourse or oral sex, including when contact is imminent or not directly visible.
    • Stimulation of genitals or anus, including when activity is imminent or not directly visible.
    • Any of the above involving an animal.
  • Children with sexual elements, including, but not limited to,
    • Restraints
    • Signs of arousal
    • Focus on genitals or anus
    • Presence of aroused adult
    • Presence of sex toys or use of any object for sexual stimulation, gratification or sexual abuse
    • Sexualised costume
    • Stripping
    • Staged environment (for example, on a bed) or professionally shot (quality/focus/angles)
    • Open-mouth kissing
    • Stimulation of human nipples or squeezing of female breast (EXCEPT in the context of breastfeeding)
    • Presence of by-products of sexual activity
  • Content involving children in a sexual fetish context
  • Content that supports, promotes, advocates or encourages participation in paedophilia, unless it is discussed neutrally in a health context
  • Content that identifies or mocks alleged victims of child sexual exploitation by name or image


Content that solicits sexual content or activity depicting or involving children, defined as:

  • Child sexual abuse material (CSAM)
  • Nude imagery of real or non-real children
  • Sexualised imagery of real or non-real children

Content that solicits sexual encounters with children

Inappropriate interactions with children

Content that constitutes or facilitates inappropriate interactions with children, such as:

  • Arranging or planning real-world sexual encounters with children
  • Purposefully exposing children to sexually explicit language or sexual material
  • Engaging in implicitly sexual conversations in private messages with children
  • Obtaining or requesting sexual material from children in private messages

Exploitative intimate imagery and sextortion

Content that attempts to exploit real children by:

  • Coercing money, favours or intimate imagery with threats to expose real or non-real intimate imagery or information
  • Sharing, threatening or stating an intent to share private sexual conversations or real or non-real intimate imagery

Sexualisation of children

  • Content (including photos, videos, real-world art, digital content and verbal depictions, audio) that sexualises real or non-real children
  • Groups, Pages and profiles dedicated to sexualising real or non-real children

Child nudity

Content that depicts real or non-real child nudity where nudity is defined as:

  • Close-ups of real or non-real children's genitalia
  • Real or non-real nude toddlers, showing:
    • Visible genitalia, even when covered or obscured by transparent clothing
    • Visible anus and/or fully nude close-up of buttocks
  • Real or non-real nude minors, showing:
    • Visible genitalia (including genitalia obscured only by pubic hair or transparent clothing)
    • Visible anus and/or fully nude close-up of buttocks
    • Uncovered female nipples
    • No clothes from neck to knee – even if no genitalia or female nipples are showing
  • Unless the non-real imagery is for health purposes or is a non-sexual depiction of child nudity in real-word art

Non-sexual child abuse

Videos or photos, that depict real or non-real non-sexual child abuse regardless of sharing intent, unless the imagery is from real-world art, cartoons, films or video games

Content that praises, supports, promotes, advocates for, provides instructions for or encourages participation in non-sexual child abuse

In addition to removing accounts that violate our Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Nudity (CSEAN) policies, our reviewers and automated systems consider a broad spectrum of signals to help prevent potentially unwanted or unsafe interactions.
  • We may restrict access to products and features (e.g. the ability to message certain other users) for adults based on their interactions with other accounts, searches for or interactions with violating content, or membership in communities (e.g. groups) that we have removed for violating our policies.
For the following content, we include a warning screen so that people are aware the content may be disturbing and limit the ability to view the content to adults aged eighteen and older:
  • Videos or photos that depict police officers or military personnel committing non-sexual child abuse
  • Videos or photos of non-sexual child abuse, when law enforcement, child protection agencies or trusted safety partners request that we leave the content on the platform for the express purpose of bringing a child back to safety
For the following Community Standards, we require additional information and/or context to enforce:

For the following content, we include a warning label so that people are aware that the content may be sensitive:

  • Imagery posted by a news agency that depicts child nudity in the context of famine, genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity, unless accompanied by a violating caption or shared in a violating context, in which case the content is removed

We may remove imagery depicting the aftermath of non-sexual child abuse when reported by news media partners, NGOs or other trusted safety partners.

We may remove content that identifies alleged victims of child sexual exploitation through means other than name or image if content includes information that is likely to lead to the identification of the individual.

We may remove content created for the purpose of identifying a private minor if there is a risk to the minor's safety, when requested by law enforcement, government, trusted partner or the content is self-reported by the minor or the minor's parent/legal guardian.

We may also report you to further authorities.

Contact Us
If you have questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at info@dtjt.co.uk
Kesh Jacobs LTD.
12 Tithebarn St,
Liverpool L2 2DT

United Kingdom